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I am currently a PhD student at UC Berkeley, following a 6-year journey working at Apple after my undergrad years at Cornell University. I grew up in Dhaka, Bangladesh where my interest in electronics was cultivated, resulting in the creation of this blog.


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Jan 20, 2013

Using the high-low side driver IR2110 - explanation and plenty of example circuits

Update: Please refer to this updated post for bootstrap cap sizing: https://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2023/12/sizing-ir2110-high-side-bootstrap.html
In many situations, we need to use MOSFETs configured as high-side switches. Many a times we need to use MOSFETs configured as high-side and low-side switches. Such as in bridge circuits. In half-bridge circuits, we have 1 high-side MOSFET and 1 low-side MOSFET. In full-bridge circuits we have 2 high-side MOSFETs and 2 low-side MOSFETs. In such situations, there is a need to use high-side drive circuitry alongside low-side drive circuitry. The most common way of driving MOSFETs in such cases is to use high-low side MOSFET drivers. Undoubtedly, the most popular such driver chip is the IR2110. And in this article/tutorial, I will talk about the IR2110.

You can download the IR2110 datasheet from the IR website. Here's the download link:

First let’s take a look at the block diagram and the pin assignments and pin definitions (also called lead assignments and lead definitions):

Fig. 1 - IR2110 block diagram (click on image to enlarge)

 Fig. 2 - IR2110 Pin/Lead Assignments (click on image to enlarge)

Fig. 3 - IR2110 Pin/Lead Definitions (click on image to enlarge)

Notice that the IR2110 comes in two packages – 14 pin through-hole PDIP package and the 16-pin surface mount SOIC package.

Now let's talk about the different pins.

VCC is the low-side supply and should be between 10V and 20V. VDD is the logic supply to the IR2110. It can be between +3V to +20V (with reference to VSS). The actual voltage you choose to use depends on the voltage level of your input signals. Here’s the chart:

Fig. 4 - IR2110 Logic "1" Input Threshold vs VDD (click on image to enlarge)

It is common practice to use VDD = +5V. When VDD = +5V, the logic 1 input threshold is slightly higher than 3V. Thus when VDD = +5V, the IR2110 can be used to drive loads when input “1” is higher than 3 point something volts. This means that it can be used for almost all circuits, since most circuits tend to have around 5V outputs. When you’re using microcontrollers the output voltage will be higher than 4V (when the microcontroller has VDD = +5V, which is quite common). When you’re using SG3525 or TL494 or other PWM controller, you are probably going to have them powered off greater than 10V, meaning the outputs will be higher than 8V when high. So, the IR2110 can be easily used.

You may lower the VDD down to about 4V if you’re using a microcontroller or any chip that gives output of 3.3V (eg dsPIC33). While designing circuits with the IR2110, I had noticed that sometimes the circuit didn’t work properly when IR2110 VDD was selected as less than +4V. So, I do not recommend using VDD less than +4V.

In most of my circuits, I do not have signal levels which have voltages less than 4V as high and so I use VDD = +5V.

If for some reason, you have signals levels with logic “1” having lower than 3V, you will need a level converter / translator that will boost the voltage to acceptable limits. In such situations, I recommend boosting up to 4V or 5V and using IR2110 VDD = +5V.

Now let’s talk about VSS and COM. VSS is the logic supply ground. COM is “low side return” – basically, low side drive ground connection. It seems that they are independent and you might think you could perhaps isolate the drive outputs and drive signals. However, you’d be wrong. While they are not internally connected, IR2110 is a non-isolated driver, meaning that VSS and COM should both be connected to ground.

HIN and LIN are the logic inputs. A high signal to HIN means that you want to drive the high-side MOSFET, meaning a high output is provided on HO. A low signal to HIN means that you want to turn off the high-side MOSFET, meaning a low output is provided on HO. The output to HO – high or low – is not with respect to ground, but with respect to VS. We will soon see how a bootstrap circuitry (diode + capacitor) – utilizing VCC, VB and VS – is used to provide the floating supply to drive the MOSFET. VS is the high side floating supply return. When high, the level on HO is equal to the level on VB, with respect to VS. When low, the level on HO is equal to VS, with respect to VS, effectively zero.

A high signal to LIN means that you want to drive the low-side MOSFET, meaning a high output is provided on LO. A low signal to LIN means that you want to turn off the low-side MOSFET, meaning a low output is provided on LO. The output on LO is with respect to ground. When high, the level on LO is equal to the level of VCC, with respect to VSS, effectively ground. When low, the level on LO is equal to the level on VSS, with respect to VSS, effectively zero.

SD is used as shutdown control. When this pin is low, IR2110 is enabled – shutdown function is disabled. When this pin is high, the outputs are turned off, disabling the IR2110 drive.
Now let’s take a look at the common IR2110 configuration for driving MOSFETs in both high and low side configurations – a half bridge stage.

 Fig. 5 - Basic IR2110 circuit for driving half-bridge (click on image to enlarge)

D1, C1 and C2 along with the IR2110 form the bootstrap circuitry. When LIN = 1 and Q2 is on, C1 and C2 get charged to the level on VB, which is one diode drop below +VCC. When LIN = 0 and HIN = 1, this charge on the C1 and C2 is used to add the extra voltage – VB in this case – above the source level of Q1 to drive the Q1 in high-side configuration. A large enough capacitance must be chosen for C1 so that it can supply the charge required to keep Q1 on for all the time. C1 must also not be too large that charging is too slow and the voltage level does not rise sufficiently to keep the MOSFET on. The higher the on time, the higher the required capacitance. Thus, the lower the frequency, the higher the required capacitance for C1. The higher the duty cycle, the higher the required capacitance for C1. Yes, there are formulae available for calculating the capacitance. However, there are many parameters involved, some of which we may not know – for example, the capacitor leakage current. So, I just estimate the required capacitance. For low frequencies such as 50Hz, I use between 47µF and 68µF capacitance. For high frequencies like 30kHz to 50kHz, I use between 4.7µF and 22µF. Since we’re using an electrolytic capacitor, a ceramic capacitor should be used in parallel with this capacitor. The ceramic capacitor is not required if the bootstrap capacitor is tantalum. Update: Please refer to this updated post for bootstrap cap sizing: https://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2023/12/sizing-ir2110-high-side-bootstrap.html

D2 and D3 discharge the gate capacitances of the MOSFET quickly, bypassing the gate resistors, reducing the turn off time. R1 and R2 are the gate current-limiting resistors.

+MOSV can be up to a maximum of 500V.

+VCC should be from a clean supply. You should use filter capacitors and decoupling capacitors from +VCC to ground for filtering.

Now let’s look at a few example application circuits of the IR2110.

 Fig. 6 - IR2110 circuit for high-voltage half-bridge drive (click on image to enlarge)

 Fig. 7 - IR2110 circuit for high-voltage full-bridge drive with independent switch control (click on image to enlarge)

In Fig. 7 we see the IR2110 being used to drive a full bridge. The functionality is simple and you should understand it by now. A common thing that is often done is that, HIN1 is tied/shorted to LIN2 and HIN2 is tied/shorted to LIN1, enabling the control of all 4 MOSFETs from 2 signal inputs, instead of 4 as shown below in Fig. 8.

 Fig. 8 - IR2110 circuit for high-voltage full-bridge drive with tied switch control - control with 2 input signals (click on image to enlarge)

 Fig. 9 - Using the IR2110 as a single high-voltage high-side driver (click on image to enlarge)

In Fig. 9 we see the IR2110 being used as a single high-side driver. The circuit is simple enough and follows the same functionality described above. One thing to remember is that, since there is no low-side switch, there must a load connected from OUT to ground. Otherwise the bootstrap capacitors can not charge.

 Fig. 10 - Using the IR2110 as a single low-side driver (click on image to enlarge)

 Fig. 11 - Using the IR2110 as a dual low-side driver (click on image to enlarge)


If you've had failures with IR2110 and had driver after driver, MOSFET after MOSFET get damaged, burn and fail, I'm pretty sure that it's due to you not using gate-to-source resistors, assuming of course that you designed the IR2110 driver stage properly. NEVER OMIT THE GATE-TO-SOURCE RESISTORS. If you're curious, you can read about my experience with them here (I have also explained the reason that the resistors prevent damage):

For further reading, you should go through this:

I have seen in many forums that people struggle with designing circuits with IR2110. I too had a lot of difficulty before I could confidently and consistently build successful driver circuits with IR2110. I have tried to explain the application and use of IR2110 thoroughly through explanation and plenty of examples and hope that it helps you in your endeavors with IR2110.


  1. hi thamid nice
    But i have a doubt , why we need to use High side driver and Boot strap circuit, i think these are more complicated . Just use N-channel for low side and P- channel for high side .
    and u can simply drive by using normal transistor logic [0-12v] and no need 24/36 volt boot strap ckt. So y not people accepting this ckt.
    Is there any problem? . i am sure some problem is there,right? Please replay .

  2. Hi,

    P-channel MOSFETs almost always have a maximum VGS rating of -20V, but sometimes -30V. So, when the supply voltage is greater than 20V (or 30V for the ones with -30V VGS), you can't pull the gate to ground because doing so will destroy the MOSFET. A voltage level shifter/translator is required in such cases.

    P-channel MOSFETs tend to have higher on-state resistances than similarly rated N-channel MOSFETs, so you will have higher losses for same/similar currents. Thus N-channel MOSFETs are preferred.

    Moreover, for high voltages, finding suitable P-channel MOSFETs is quite a difficult task and the level shifter circuit is more complicated than the bootstrap circuit.


  3. halo Tahmid

    Most of the gate drive ic can supply high output current.
    For example ir2110, can supply until 2 ampere.

    I always curious whether igbt or mosfet need such high current to drive?

    or just supply Vgs is enough to drive igbt or mosfet.

  4. The drive current depends on driving time (on time of the drive signal, each cycle - ie, duty cycle) and the gate charge of the IGBT or MOSFET. When the duty cycle is small and/or when the gate charge is high, you require high current, sometimes maybe even higher than 2A.


  5. Dear Tahmid
    Its very good explanation about IR2110 Its really very useful for peoples like me. I searched the IR2110 model in proteus but I cant find it can you please send the link of your model. It will be very useful for all.


    1. Just for simulation's sake, you may use IR2101, IR2102, IR2106 or IR2112 which are all available in Proteus. I'll see if I can find a model file for IR2110 somewhere online.


  6. hi brother
    Am beginner in smps i want to try to make smps inverter project, am facing some difficulties in developing the above circuits to complete the project, may you plz help me a complete circuit project for me to implement? Thanks i'll be blessed for your help, your real Godsend... my email is emmanojr@gmail.com

    1. Hi,

      Use an SG3525 to generate the required square wave signals and then feed the SG3525 output to the IR2110 driver which can then drive the MOSFETs.

      For SG3525, take a look here:

      Using the SG3525 PWM Controller - Explanation and Example: Circuit Diagram / Schematic of Push-Pull Converter:

      If you have any other specific problems, feel free to ask.


  7. Hai Tahmid,
    I appreciate you for your hard work and interest in electronics. can you please send me the library of IR2110 for proteus isis 7 professional? that will be very helpful for my project.

    1. Just for simulation's sake, you may use IR2101, IR2102, IR2106 or IR2112 which are all available in Proteus. I'll see if I can find a model file for IR2110 somewhere online.


  8. Dear Tahmid

    Thanks for your reply I will do the same


    1. Glad I could help!

      Do let me know how your simulation and design go.


  9. hi tahmid
    thanks for sharing your knowledge,,i have been looking for ir2110 model but i couldn't find in my proteus version 7.7,,can you send me a link so as i can download this library model,
    i realy appreciate if you can help me

    1. Just for simulation's sake, you may use IR2101, IR2102, IR2106 or IR2112 which are all available in Proteus. I'll see if I can find a model file for IR2110 somewhere online.


  10. hi tahmid,,
    do you have completly schematic diagram of sine wave inveter circuit by using pic,,
    i will appreciate if you can help me


    1. Hi hasan,

      If you are stuck in your design and need help somewhere in the design, I can try to help you. I've written quite a few articles related to this.

      Go to this page and you can find all the articles under "SPWM and sine wave generation and inverter:":

      Regarding existing designs, check out this discussion thread:


  11. hai Tahmid... thank you for your reply....
    I tried the simulation using IR2112....I used the typical connection diagram from the data sheet. how do we design the capacitor value for that circuit?

    1. Hi,

      I have talked about the capacitor in the article/tutorial. You can find it in the paragraph right below Fig. 5. For simplicity I am posting the capacitor related section here:

      "A large enough capacitance must be chosen for C1 so that it can supply the charge required to keep Q1 on for all the time. C1 must also not be too large that charging is too slow and the voltage level does not rise sufficiently to keep the MOSFET on. The higher the on time, the higher the required capacitance. Thus, the lower the frequency, the higher the required capacitance for C1. The higher the duty cycle, the higher the required capacitance for C1. Yes, there are formulae available for calculating the capacitance. However, there are many parameters involved, some of which we may not know – for example, the capacitor leakage current. So, I just estimate the required capacitance. For low frequencies such as 50Hz, I use between 47µF and 68µF capacitance. For high frequencies like 30kHz to 50kHz, I use between 4.7µF and 22µF. Since we’re using an electrolytic capacitor, a ceramic capacitor should be used in parallel with this capacitor. The ceramic capacitor is not required if the bootstrap capacitor is tantalum."


  12. Thank you..Tahmid....
    I had already read your tutorial.. I thought it is meant for IR2110 only..now it is clear...Thanks again.

    1. While I had written it with IR2110 in mind, you can adapt it for any other bootstrap-based driver system as the bootstrap "principle" is the same.


  13. hi hamid,,
    thanks for your tutorial,,
    i have been following your tutorials ,,but i have one problem i have tried others model in a proteus 7.7 sp 2; apart from ir2110 but doesn't work properly,,so i have seen your tutorial using ir2110 please if you have that model can you send me to my email hasan_tuna06@hotmail.com i will appreciate a lot ,,,
    regards ;

    1. Hi hasan,

      Just for simulation's sake, you may use IR2101, IR2102, IR2106 or IR2112 which are all available in Proteus. I'll see if I can find a model file for IR2110 somewhere online.

      You should test the circuit by constructing it instead of only simulating it. It will make things more interesting and you can learn more.


  14. hi tahmid ,,thanks for your replay ,,but i have minimum time left to submit my projects so i will learn after ,,if you have it place can you send to me just folder contain that model,,,i have tried all models as you said but not work as i want if you have time can i send to you my schematic diagram in proteus file so as you can checkup for me,,
    i realy appreciate if you can help me brother,
    regars Hasan

  15. HI tahmid
    Im doing my final project on H-bridge Mosfet and my supervisor ask me to used IR2110 to isolate the high and low side of the MOSFET. I had read a lot of the pdf and im still confuse of the application . Actually, what is the function of IR2110 .Why IR2110 is needed for H-bridge Mosfet ? Why the bootstrap circuit is only for high-side MOSFET? Please help and i really really appreciate your help..

    Thank you very much...

  16. Hi tahmid ,
    Im doing my final project on H-bridge Mosfet and my supervisor ask me to used IR2110 to isolate the high and low side of the MOSFET. I had read a lot of the pdf and im still confuse of the application . Actually, what is the function of IR2110 .Why IR2110 is needed for H-bridge Mosfet ? Why the bootstrap circuit is only for high-side MOSFET? Please help and i really really appreciate your help..

    Thank you very much...

    1. In the high-side configuration, the MOSFET (I'm referring to N-channel here), the drain is connected to V+ while load is connected between source and ground.

      Let's say V+ is 12V.

      When the MOSFET is on, 12V is across the load. So, source is at +12V potential with respect to ground. So, if you were driving the MOSFET with 12V (with respect to ground), VGS is now equal to 0V.

      You need to drive the MOSFET with VGS >= 8V to fully turn it on. And so, to drive the high-side MOSFET in the example above, you need to drive it with 24V (with respect to ground) or any other 12V source (12V between gate and source). This can be from an isolated supply or bootstrapping method, where the additional 12V above source is achieved using the capacitor.

      Hope this helps!


  17. Hi tahmid , But i thought that the maximum gate of MOSFET only can be support up to 15-20V only ?
    First , im connecting 4 quadrant full bridge power mosfet as well. I found that , a lot of theory state that " to turn on an n-channel FET , a gate voltage must higher that the source voltage" . So, if Vpower supply =12 and VDD=15 and it surely can turn on the mosfet as well. But how about if Vpower supply=50 and VDD=15 and it sure cannot turn on the mosfet right? because the gate voltage is not higher that the source voltage right?

    1. The gate of the MOSFET can only withstand 15V to 20V WITH RESPECT TO SOURCE. If source is at 300V, then the gate can withstand up to 320V with respect to ground, which is 20V with respect to source.

      To turn the MOSFET on fully would require at least approximately 308V with respect to ground if the drive circuit is ground referenced.

      The IR2110 circuit uses VCC (not VDD), the bootstrap diode and the bootstrap capacitor to create the additional required voltage. The capacitor charges to (VCC - Vb)V when the high side MOSFET is on and VS is pulled to ground. When VS is no longer pulled to ground, the capacitor has a potential difference of (VCC - VB)V across it. The capacitor -ve is connected to VS which is the MOSFET source and so, the MOSFET gate is driven with a voltage higher than MOSFET source by as much as (VCC - VB)V. Of course the capacitor must be large enough that the potential difference across it doesn't drop too low for the MOSFET drive.

      I hope that answers your question. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask.


    2. I dun understand on this "The gate of the MOSFET can only withstand 15V to 20V WITH RESPECT TO SOURCE. If source is at 300V, then the gate can withstand up to 320V with respect to ground, which is 20V with respect to source.

      To turn the MOSFET on fully would require at least approximately 308V with respect to ground if the drive circuit is ground referenced. "

      What is this means?

    3. Hi,

      You will find the answer to your question here: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2013/02/n-channel-mosfet-high-side-drive-when.html


  18. VDD: power supply of the IR2110 = 15V

    1. Remember that VDD is used to power the IR2110 and its internal circuitry, but that the level of VCC is used for MOSFET drive. So, if VCC is high enough and the bootstrap capacitor is large enough, whatever the Vpowersupply (up till 500V which is the limit of the IR2110), the MOSFET can be driven.


  19. hello tahmid,
    i would like to ask regarding to coding (in PIC controller).
    could u teach me how to write the programme? perhaps some examples could help.tq.

    1. Here are three books that you can use to learn on your own: http://www.mikroe.com/pic/books/

      There's one book for mikroC, one for mikroBASIC and one for assembly. Select the one depending on which language you want to use.

      While the boos are to be bought, the ebooks are free for viewing online. So, just click the appropriate book and you'll get the ebook there.

      This is the mikroC book: http://www.mikroe.com/products/view/285/book-pic-microcontrollers-programming-in-c/

      mikroBASIC book: http://www.mikroe.com/products/view/476/pic-microcontrollers-programming-in-basic/

      Assembly: http://www.mikroe.com/products/view/11/book-pic-microcontrollers/

      Hope this helps!


  20. can you help me , my circuit does not work


    1. I'll take a look and let you know.


  21. Hello there, can you please tell that which software you used to create the circuit diagrams of full bridge as shown above??

    figure that i am asking about is: Fig. 8 - IR2110 circuit for high-voltage full-bridge drive with tied switch control - control with 2 input signals

    1. I use Proteus.

      The parts aren't there in the library. I created the parts myself.


  22. Salam
    brother the circuit files can't be accessed through the link that u gave in above comments of urz.... i.e.

    plz upload the files somewhere else or re-new it... it says the download has been restricted by the uploader....

    1. Try again with that link. Or you can also try this link:



    2. SAlam,
      thank you my brother :) nice of u :) got the file :)
      i was wondering if you have any tutorial or any work on DC-DC Boost Converters? i am currently working on it. will be helpful if you can refer any good tutorial or reading material.
      thanks for the schematics again :)
      syed husnain

    3. Regarding boost converters, I don't have any specific tutorials in mind. You should find loads of helpful information in books such as "Power Supply Cookbook" by Marty Brown and also by searching Google.


  23. Hi Tahmid,
    In H-brige , why there is a high and low side ? Is there any different between them? why in high side the n-mosfet is difficult to turn on? Thank you .

    1. Hi,

      You will find the answer to your question here: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2013/02/n-channel-mosfet-high-side-drive-when.html


  24. how can i made amodel for IR2110 on protus ??

  25. hello Tahmid,
    We are designing a Sine PWM inverter with type.1 switching. Cud u please help us with driver IR2110 configuration.

    1. If you follow the tutorialn thoroughly, you should be able to do it quite easily. Where exactly are you confused?

  26. Hi, you used 1kohm resistors between the gate and sources of FETs. Whats their benefit? Doesnt IR 2110 provide enough voltage to keep them ON ? secondly, i have exactly the same circuit as shown for complete h-bridge with diodes connecting the drain with source in parallel to all the power FETs. are they required or I am hanging around extra weight?

    1. Please go through this to know about the benefit of the 1k resistor: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2012/10/magic-of-knowledge.html
      Importance of the gate-to-source resistor:

      It prevents accidental turn on of the MOSFET by external noise usually at startup when the gate is floating. The MOSFET may sometimes turn on with a floating gate because of the internal drain to gate "Miller" capacitance. A gate to source resistor acts as a pull-down to ensure a low level for the MOSFET. I have had MOSFETs blowing up in high voltage circuits, without the resistor in place. In most of the commercial power supplies / inverters I have seen, there is a 1k resistor used.

      A similar experience is narrated in Sanajaya Maniktala's "Switching Power Supplies A to Z". This is also talked of in Raymond Mack's "Switching Power Supplies Demystified".

      Using the diodes is good practice, but in most cases is unnecessary if you provide adequate heatsinking to deal with the added heating, and if you aren't switching at really high frequencies (few hundreds of kiloHertz). Usually, these diodes aren't required (frequency < 100kHz, for example). Also, if you ARE going to use them, you should block them through another diode. One diode goes from V+ (anode) to drain of MOSFET (cathode). The other diode goes from V+ (cathode) to source of MOSFET (cathode). This way, you completely eliminate the functioning of the body diode.

      Hope this helps.

  27. We will soon see how a bootstrap circuitry (diode + capacitor) – utilizing VCC, VB and VS – is used to provide the floating supply to drive the MOSFET. VS is the high side floating supply return.

    When high, the level on HO is equal to the level on VB, with respect to VS. When low, the level on HO is equal to VS, with respect to VS, effectively zero.

    what does you mean by :
    When high, the level on HO is equal to the level on VB

    are you Intended the Vs or HO??

    1. When HO is high, its voltage with respect to VS (potential difference of HO with VS) is equal to the voltage on VB with respect to VS (potential difference of VB with VS).


  28. what about using igbt not mosfet is the circuit work ???

    1. Yes, it will work. You can use IGBTs or MOSFETs. For IGBTs, the minimum required voltage to fully turn them on is slightly higher. So, for VCC, you might need to use a voltage like 15V or 18V.


  29. IS this driver circuit work proberly with 4 igbts??

    1. Yes it will work properly with 4 IGBTs.


  30. can you explain whay 15V or 18 V

    1. It is to ensure that the IGBT turns on fully.

  31. thanks for your replay

    can you explain why vcc is equal 15V or 18 V ??
    the type of igbt i use is G40N60

    1. The IGBT drive supply comes from VB, which comes from VCC through a diode. It's one diode drop below VCC. So, to drive the IGBT with approximately 15V or 18V, you will use VCC = 15V or 18V.


  32. i have a problem the output of igbt is 10v voltage while the input is 20V , i think that the igbt does not work , can you tell me any method to check the igbt

    1. This is hard to tell without having a look at your schematic. Show the circuit with the points where you are measuring 10V and 20V.

      A simple method to check would be to see if the IGBT turns on when a 15V VGS is supplied to it and it turns off when the supply is removed. The visual indication for this could be a lamp load. Use high voltage to test this. Use VGS of about 15V. Make sure you have a gate to emitter resistor.


  33. you are really doing a good job, pls keep it up.the blog has been very helpful.

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad you're finding the blog helpful. If you have any suggestions, do let me know!


  34. hi tahmid i built a 220V high frequency inverter operating it from a 12VDC battery however i adjusted the secondary winding of the transformer to operate from a 24VDC battery i run into problems like blowing out the fets in the DC TO DC stage could this be because i had not adjusted the primary turns of the transformer At 12VDC the primary turns is 3 turns center tapped 3 turns with secondary 90 turns and at 24VDC i have the same primary turns with secondary 45 turns could you please help me to find out where i am going wrong please help me out thanks and keep up the good work

    1. The transformer may be saturating. This would mean that the primary of the transformer would just be a resistance - effectively a short circuit through the MOSFETs, that causes them to blow out.

      Keeping the number of primary turns the same but doubling the voltage, doubles the flux density, which in your case is most probably beyond levels tolerable by the transformer.


  35. hi tahmid
    can i use single ir2110 and single sg3525 to drive h-bridge " 4 mosfet"
    and i want full circuit diagram of drive circuit of h-bridge

    1. can i use fig. 8 with 2 ir2110 and single sg3525 to drive this h-bridge
      and plz tell me part no. of mosfet that handle 500v and 3A and less losses possible
      "mosfet using at h bridge"

    2. To drive 4 MOSFETs (that are configured in an H-bridge configuration), you'd need 2 high-low side drivers. So you'll need 2 IR2110's.

      Yes you can use Fig. 8 for driving.

      If the MOSFET is to withstand 500V, look for 900V MOSFETs. eg STW9NK90. There are loads of 900V MOSFETs you can use. The STW9NK90 is just one that I've used.

      If you want a MOSFET rated at 500V, take a look at IRF840, IRFP460, etc.


    3. 1- why i cant use single driver ir2110 and single sg3525to drive h bridge ?
      2- part no. of low losses power mosfet rated 500v 3A ?
      3- can u give me ir2110 and sg3525 combination circuit diagram?

    4. 1) H-bridge has 2 MOSFETs in high-side configuration and 2 in low-side configuration. The IR2110 can only drive 2 MOSFETs, not 4. And of those two, only one can be high-side. So, you'll need a second driver for the other high-side MOFSET.
      2) IRF840 - even though it's rated at 8A, it's cheap and losses should be low.
      3) SG3525: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2013/01/using-sg3525-pwm-controller-explanation.html
      Use Fig 8 for the IR2110 drive section.


    5. i'm sorry : 1- what the shape of the signal produced "modified or pure " ?
      2- if i didn't find ir2110 is their another it ?

    6. for fig. 8 can i obtain 5v from sg3525 from pin 16
      * i had seen http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2013/01/using-sg3525-pwm-controller-explanation.html
      but i have a question .. are all component of pins of sg3525 still as them or what are the required wiring diagram ?

    7. The output of an SG3525 based H-bridge circuit will be modified sine wave. For pure sine wave, you should use microcontroller. You can find quite a lot of tutorials on sine wave generation on my blog: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html

      No, you can't use that. The SG3525 can provide so little current. You can simply use a 7805 regulator that gets its input from the VDD powering the circuit.

      The circuit will obviously depend on your specifications.

      If you can't find IR2110, there are many other high-low side drivers available, although chances are that if you can't find IR2110 (which is probably the most popular high-low side driver), you can't find the otheres. Some alternatives: IR2113, L6385E, NCP5181, etc.


    8. what is the ic that may use instead of sg3525?

    9. Some common alternative PWM controllers include TL494, TL594, SG3524, SG3526. Of course, none of these are plug-in replacements for SG3525.


  36. Hi, I have struggled with buck configuration of IR2110 Mosfet driver. I want to be able to modulating the B+ supply by control the high side with my audio signal using Class D technique.

    Could you give me advise to make it done?

    oh, btw how can you created the IR2110 in Proteus?


    1. Can you describe in detail the problems that arise? This would help pinpoint the source of the error. Does the drive not work at all? Or does it work, but erroneously?

      I used the shapes and pins to create the part. I've used it for drawing only. There's no simulation for the IR2110 parts.


    2. Can You give me please your email so I can attach the picture to you? thanks

    3. You can mail me to inferno-rage (at) hotmail (dot) com

      I recommend you upload the image to imageshack or photobucket or other such site and share the link.


  37. Hi Tahmid

    I want to use IR 2110 to drive one low side MOS and one high side MOS. However, the gating signal for both the switches will be same. That means when the low side MOS is "ON" the high side MOS will be "ON" as well and vise-versa. Would you kindly help me in this regard?

    Thank you.

    1. You can't use the IR2110 in this situation, because the IR2110 can't be used to drive both high-side and low-side MOSFETs simultaneously.


  38. hi thamid I have a problem ...I am using h bridge circuit low side of ir2110 1 and ir2110 2 and high side of ir2110 was working properly but high side of ir2110 was not driving ...I have interchanged both ir2110 and replaced them somany times ..but I am geeting the same problem ...plz tell me that what may be the problem

    1. Ensure that all connections are made correctly. Increase the size of the bootstrap capacitor. What is the driving frequency? What is the size of the bootstrap capacitor? Please upload the schematic to an online file storage service such as rapidshare, so that I can view it and see if the schematic is correct.


  39. frequency is 50hz and capacitor 220uf ,inputs all are correct and same input was given to the 1st ir2110 and it was working well..please say me your mail id

    1. Email me at inferno-rage (at) hotmail (dot) com


  40. Hello Tahmid,
    My project includes a TL494 to module a audio signal. I am using the IR2110 to drive the half MOSFETS bridge. I use VCC=10V, VDD=5V, the signal comming from TL494 is a PWM 0-5V and 150kHz, it worked, but i have my wave on the gate of MOSFETS something like this :
    My output is a Capacitor with the Speaker in series to ground, and the mosfet supply is 10V.

    My teacher said, that i was going to have trouble with this high switching frequency, but it must be high have a better sound.
    Do you have and tip about something to reduce this effect ?
    Thank you

  41. Hi Tahmid,

    Thank you for all the knowledge that you share with everyone. I am having issues with my inverter circuit using IGBTs with an H-bridge configuration. It is a pure sine wave inverter with a battery bank of 24V with an out 220VAC using a step up transformer. I am using the configuration in figure 7 along with a PIC684 with the sine wave code. The output of the H-bridge seems to be good but I am having problems filtering the signal. I have tried different methods to filter the output but with very little success. I have tried using an LC filter with an inductance of 0.75mH (Choke to be more specific) and different capacitor values (ranging between 0.45uf-40uF). Inductor values higher than that are very expensive. Is there an inductance range that you recommend using for filtering and is there a specific type of capacitor that is needed. I know they have to be non-polarized but it there a specific type you recommend (can starter capacitor be used). The output is very distorted and as I increase the capacitance the IR2110s gets damaged. The best result that I have been able to get has been using an RC filter but the power losses are tremendous and the waveform is not as clean as it should look like. I am using 47uF(rated for 50VDC) bootstrap capacitors for the high side of the drivers. Have you experience the output the drivers getting damaged either the high side or low side and if so what was the probable cause. Does the inverter have to have a load in order to see the sine wave (I have tried both). Again thank you for everything that you do and I am putting your name on my presentation in the special thanks section. I have learned a tremedous amount about inverters from your blog. This project is going to be donated to a community in South Africa. I just want you to know that your help is not only teaching people but also helping people in need around the world.

    Best regard,


    1. Thank you for the compliments. I'm glad that I have been able top help and wish to be able to help as many people as I can.

      The capacitor will usually lie in the range 1uF to 10uF. You should be able to use a starter capacitor. Avoid using too large capacitances, as, as you've seen, it damages the IR2110.

      The inductance will usually be much higher than the one you've used. Try in the range 1mH to 10mH in different steps. As cost is an issue, instead of buying ready made inductors, get a few toroid cores, some wire and wind the inductors yourself, adjusting the turns to adjust the inductance. Of course, you'd need an inductance meter to verify the inductance. Or, if you know the core properties, you can calculate the number of turns.

      RC filters are for low power signals, not for "power" filtering, as in the inverter, as I'm sure you already know. Here you must use LC filter.

      47uF should be okay for the bootstrap capacitors.

      In most cases where the drivers got damaged (in my experience), it was due to not using the 1k gate-to-source/emitter resistance for the MOSFETs/IGBTs, which prevents accidental turn on of the MOSFETs/IGBTs. Make sure you have a 1k gate-to-emitter resistance for each IGBT/IGBT combination.

      Read about it here:

      The inverter should have a minimum load to observe the output. The load doesn't have to be too high though. Few tens of watts should be okay.

      I hope that answers all your questions. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions or doubt.

      I would love to see your project at work and the project paper/thesis when you're done, if you don't mind sharing. I wish you success on your project.

      I hope to add more to my blog to make it even better. Your comments and suggestions are welcome and will be highly appreciated!

      I hope that the project will benefit the community to which it will be donated.

      I'm glad to know that I am able to help people in need as well as teaching people. I hope I can continue helping and contributing.

      Best regards,

  42. hi tamid i want you to please help me , i am constructing a half bride switch mode power supply using the ir2110 and it is being powered with a 12vdc source well the lo side gives 5v and shows the frequency while the ho side shows 12v and no frequency when i used a frequency meter to measure the frequency and my mosfets keeps blowing up i tried 3 different ir2110 and its giving me the same result any help would be appreciated
    to this problem thnks

    1. Remove the MOSFETs. Connect VS to ground. Then measure the drive voltage and frequency from HO to ground. If you get the correct voltage and frequency, remove the short from VS to ground and then connect the MOSFETs. Make sure you have a 1k resistor from gate-to-source of each MOSFET.


  43. hiiiiiiiiiii
    i had done 12v to 310v circuit using SG3525 and work good but..... for 50hz .... i used fig.8 with bootstrap as shown in this figure
    *** i using sG3525 to drive the H-bridge and i leave legs (1, 2,3,4,9,16) floating i used other legs with (leg 5 0.2 micro capacitance)...(leg6 150k ohm resis.)...(leg7 10ohm resis.)...(leg8 1micro farad capacitance)...(legs 10, 12 grounded)... (leg11 direct to leg 10,12 of ir2110 )... (leg14 direct to another legs 10,12 of ir2110)...(leg 13,15 supply voltage 12v )...but the circuit didn't work and one of ir2110 blown!!!!!
    when i use pic16f684 of your design instead of SG3525 the voltmeter read various swing readings such as ( 119,218,98,..) not fixed 220v where is the problem???????

    1. For the MOSFETs, use 1k resistor from gate to source of each MOSFET. Please go through this: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2012/10/magic-of-knowledge.html

      That should solve the issue. If not, you will need to dig further.

      Don't leave all those legs floating. Go through this tutorial and then construct the correct circuit using the SG3525: http://tahmidmc.blogspot.com/2013/01/using-sg3525-pwm-controller-explanation.html

      Please upload your schematic to a file sharing site like rapidshare or an image hosting site like imageshack. Without looking at the schematic, it will be difficult to spot the problem.

      For the PIC16F684, you must ensure that the circuit and code are both correct. Once again, you should upload the code and the schematic so that I can take a look.


  44. Hi Tahmid,

    First of all it is a really helpful blog for electrnic lovers ;) I really thank to you. Secondly I am trouble with this ır2110 ic for H bridge drive. My problem is that when i tried to start the h bridge inverter one side of the inverter doesn't make any switching. I mean two mosfets standing at the left side switches perfectly however mosfets at the right side doesn't. How can i fix this problem. Can you give me any advice.

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you've found it helpful.

      Please upload your schematic to a file sharing site like rapidshare or an image hosting site like imageshack. Without looking at the schematic, it will be difficult to spot the problem. If you're using one of the circuits I've provided, please mention which one, along with any modifications you've made.

      Where does the drive signal come from? Is the drive signal okay?

      What's the driving frequency and the duty cycle?

      You must ensure that the IR2110's are okay and not damaged. You might've somehow damaged one of the IR2110's (the one on the side not working). Replace this IR2110 and see if it resolves the issue.


  45. Dear Tahmid,

    The schematic of the circuit is exactly the same as you given in the figure 8. Our swtiching frequency 35kHz and the duty is 0.4. The signal is coming from arduino.

    I have changed the ır2110 twice but i couldn't succeed yet.

    I am waiting for your reply.

    Sincerely yours.

    Mert Karadeniz

    1. Please check all connections and make sure that you have constructed the circuit correctly.

      Can you post an image of the waveform from the Arduino?

      Have you tried replacing the MOSFETs? Maybe you have damaged MOSFETs.

      On the IR2110 side that doesn't work, check the voltage (with respect to ground) at pins 3, 9 and 6 with the input signals off. With the input signals present, check the voltage (with respect to ground) at pins 3 and 9. Check the signal input to the pins 10 and 12 (use an oscilloscope). Check that pins 2, 11 and 13 are connected to ground. Let me know the values you obtain.


  46. Dear Tahmid,

    I'm just writing to say thank you. I'm a professor in a Brazilian University, but my research area is High Voltage. Right now, I'm starting to work with power electronics, and this Blog of yours is the best source of practical informations I've found in the net. Better than lots of books I've seen around!

    Your willingness to help others is something rare and touching.
    Keep it up and you will be recognized by many "virtual students" like me.

    Thank you, sincerely.

    1. Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad you've found my blog so useful. I'm always trying to make it better so that it can help many more people like you. Any questions, doubts, comments, feedback and suggestions you have are welcome and will be highly appreciated!

      Best regards,

  47. i used pic 16f877a to generate pwm signals , and if i use IR2110 to drive the igbt , the logic input of
    the driver is 9.5 V , and the output of microcontroller is 5v
    is the driver will work ??

    1. If you go through this article, you'll see that I've talked about interfacing IR2110 with microcontrollers whose output high level is 5V. Make sure that the VDD is less than or equal to 5V. Then, you can easily interface the PIC16F877A to the IR2110.


  48. i fed the Lin pin with 60Hz noninverting PWM signal, and 60Hz inverting PWM signal for Hin pin.

    for bootstrap capacitor, i use 100nF ceramic and 22uF electrolytic in parallel.

    but both of the mosfets got pretty warm in few seconds, and then damaged.

    need solution

    anyone help please.

    1. Ensure that you have sufficient deadtime between the two signals. Observe the signals using an oscilloscope and make sure you don't have overlap.

      Increase the capacitance from 22uF to 47uF and try again.


  49. Dear Tahmid
    can you tell me how can i drive igbt using TLP250 ???

    1. I'll soon post an article on this topic.


    2. I've posted the article:

      Using the TLP250 Isolated MOSFET Driver - Explanation and Example Circuits



  50. can i use moc3010 optocoupler between the IR2110 and the 4 IGBT ??

    1. MOC3010 is an optoisolator designed for driving triacs, not MOSFETs/IGBTs. For optically isolated MOSFET/IGBT drive, you should look at drivers like TLP250, TLP350, HCPL3120, etc.


  51. Thanks Tahmid, your post was very informative and will help a lot in my project!

    1. I'm extremely glad that my post will help you in your project!


  52. hi i want to drive mosfet in buck converter (high side only). do ir2110 can drive high side only ?

    1. Look at Fig. 6 and Fig. 9 in the article.


    2. i read aricle carefully. i tried this circuit but doesnt work .my question bootstrap capactor charge @ high input off or must low input on .may ir2110 cant work as highside only :(

      thanks in advance

    3. Hi,

      You must have a load in place. The bootstrap capacitor, in the case that you don't have a low side MOSFET in place, will charge through the load when high input is off.

      While the IR2110 can be used as only a high-side driver, I recommend you use the circuit in Fig. 6 to avoid any problems in bootstrap capacitor charging, especially in your buck converter. Just apply the inverse of the high input signal to the low input signal.


  53. Hi Tahmid, I am now adding a post from edaboard.

    I added a pic that includes 4 gate signals from TL494. L1 and L2 are output of TL494,whereas H1 and H2 inverted version of TL494 output. My problem is that when ı drive the mosfets with these 4 gate signals, high side of the mosfets become so hot. (DC Bus = 50V, it will be 311V later) I can obtain sine signal with appropriate filter. I will also ask that is this low side of the gate signals are normal ? are they supposed to be like high side of gate signals ? and can ı drive whole h-bridge with using just two H1 and H2 signals, ofc Q1-Q4, Q2-Q3 will have the same gate signals.(ignore the snubbers)


  54. i want to use sg3525 to drive this ic in h bridge,so what will be d switchin frequency that for inverter? will it be 50hz?

    1. You will have to choose the switching frequency as that will depend on your requirements.

      For example:

      If the H-bridge is going to drive a step up 50Hz iron core transformer, whose output will drive AC loads, then you need to use 50Hz.

      If you're going to drive AC loads directly, from a high-voltage DC, then you'll need to use 50Hz.

      If you're going to use the H-bridge to drive a ferrite core transformer at high frequency in a DC-DC converter, the output of which will then again be converted to AC, then you need to use high frequency, typically in the range 30kHz to 100kHz.

      Hope this helps!


  55. Hi I have a problem in IR2110 circuit. My circuit (full H-bridge) is exactly like yours but the problem is, whatever is the logic of Hin and Lin I am getting HO high (equal to Vcc) and Lo low. Please help me out. thanks in advance.

    1. Check all connections. You may have incorrectly wired up the circuit.

      Replace the IR2110s and try again. You may have damaged IR2110s.


    2. Hi

      Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I will check it out and will let you know.

      One more thing, is it necessary that Hin and Lin signals come from controller or can I use constant DC voltage too? What I am doing rite now to check my Full H-Bridge circuit is I am using constant DC voltage and I have connected Hin of 1st IR2110 to Lin of second and vice versa (meaning I am controlling my bridge with 2 inputs). So do I need PWM signal from controller or can I also use constant voltage signals?

  56. Hello,
    were can I find IR2110 library for isis?

    1. I haven't yet found model/simulation files for the IR2110 for ISIS.


  57. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, Thalmid.
    I have a question, I am currently trying to build an AC motor speed controller using mosfets. The mosfet I'm using is STW75NF30, and I'm trying to drive it using an IR2301 driver.
    I'm using a full bridge rectifier connected in series with the AC motor, and the mosfet is connected between the postive and negative terminals of the rectifier. The thing is that as the AC flows through the rectifier, the mosfet changes as a high side and a low side switch each AC half-cycle.
    Any suggestions as to how to drive this mosfet appropriately?

    César E Martínez
    c.martinez AT yahoo.com

    1. Thamid (sorry for misspelling your name the first time),
      I've built a circuit as the one I just described, and it worked perfectly just using the high-side configuration exactly as you suggested.
      I used a 10uf capacitor for C1, with my circuit running at 13Khz, and it's working great.

      It's interesting to notice that when one one is running the mosfet with the IR2301's high side output, it doesn't matter if the mosfet switches between high-side and low-side. I took that tip from
      Someone mentioned that "Fixing the control voltage to the source of the MOSFET means the MOSFET can float up and down as it wants to, without impacting the drive."
      So what I did, is I built the circuit using your advice on the value of C1, and added R1 and D3 to the mosfet's gate and it worked wonderfully

      Again, thank you very much for helping people like us, who are always willing to learn something new.

      César E Martínez

    2. Update...

      Nope... my circuit didn't work... it worked perfectly well as a light-bulb dimmer at first (resistive load)... but when I connected it to a shaded pole motor (inductive load) whose speed I'm trying to control... well, let's say that the event was celebrated with the most colorful electronic fireworks that I've ever seen...
      If you could take the time to comment on my humble application it would be enormously appreciated.

      César E Martínez
      Monterrey, México

  58. Dear Tahmid,,

    Im very happy to see an easy,brief and wonderful explanation about IR2112, I finally understood the working of this ic.
    No words can really thank u.
    Keep the good work On, u r helping a lot of people because of these helpful articles.

    In my country, there are only ic number "IR2112", Is it the same as "IR2110"..??

    Thanks in advance

    1. I'm really glad that this article has helped you. It provides me tremendous happiness to know that my articles are helping many people like you. The blissful feeling of helping others is a feeling paralleled by few other things. I would like to make my blog even better so that it can reach out to help many more people like you. Your comments and suggestions are welcome and will be appreciated.

      There are certainly some differences between IR2112 and IR2110, most important of which is the ability to use up to 600V (IR2112) as opposed to 500V (IR2110). However, I believe, you can use the two drivers interchangeably in your circuit and that you can use the IR2112 in place of the IR2110 in your circuit. The operation is the same.

      Best regards,

  59. Hey Tahmid,,

    You seem to love helping, and I feel I have luck out findind this page, because I am just a rookie.
    I am designing a Half bridge drive circuit with the IR2110, and I am using Arduino to send the PWM.
    I am having a problem switching the signal between HIN and LIN.

    1) Do I have to write a program in Arduino to switch between HIN and LIN or do I use an Inverter?
    and if so do you have a link to an example code.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by:

      "1) Do I have to write a program in Arduino to switch between HIN and LIN or do I use an Inverter?
      and if so do you have a link to an example code."

      The drive signals must come from the controller in the circuit. If the controller in your circuit is the Arduino, then of course you have to write the code to send the appropriate drive signals. However, I think using a PWM controller such as SG3525 will be easier than writing your own code for the Arduino.

      Go through this:

      Hope this helps.

  60. Hi can I use IR2110 as driver for a 700W electronic ballast

    1. Of course you can. But do keep in mind that the IR2110 is just the driver. Some other chip must be providing the driving signals/pulses. This could be a general purpose PWM controller or a specialized "electronic ballast" controller or a microcontroller.

      Hope this helps!


  61. jajhakumullah khair;

    one problem for me ; plz explain :
    "+VCC should be from a clean supply. You should use filter capacitors and decoupling capacitors from +VCC to ground for filtering".
    i have a sine ckt which works ok for 12V system. but when i use this for 48V it fails. i use a 48V>>12V smps psu for Vcc. i also use irf740 but fails.

    1. 48V supplied to VCC will surely destroy the IR2110. I've mentioned the supply range in the article:

      VCC is the low-side supply and should be between 10V and 20V. VDD is the logic supply to the IR2110. It can be between +3V to +20V (with reference to VSS).

      Use a low voltage (around 12V to 15V) supply for the IR2110. The IR2110 outputs can drive a bridge that has V+ = 48V. Just don't feed the 48V to the IR2110.


    2. dear tahmid,
      i used a 48v to 12v smps power supply and ensures Vcc=12V. but the power supply i used i cannot ensure the performance of that power supply. here in my ckt, mosfets were destroyed. if filtering be the problem of power supply then could mosfet destroy? and if irf2110 destroy,does it dstroy the mosfet? plz clarify me.

    3. To shed some light to the possible reason for your problem, answer the following questions.

      1) Did you use 1k gate-to-source resistances for each MOSFET?
      2) Did you filter the output of the power supply?
      3) Did you ensure that the output of the 12V power supply does not rise too high? Did you ensure that the output stays relatively stable at 12V?
      4) Did you check the inputs to the IR2110 to ensure that there is no cross-conduction?
      5) Did you replace the IR2110 and MOSFETs and try again, in case the IR2110 and/or the MOSFETs were damaged from the beginning?

      One thing you should remember is that a damaged IR2110 can quite easily destroy the MOSFETs. Similarly, a damaged MOSFET can quite easily damage the IR2110. So, you must ensure that everything is okay to avoid damaging components in your circuit.


  62. Dear Tahmid,,

    Thanks for your reply..
    i downloaded both datasheets of IR2112 and IR2110 and found that there's also a difference in the output current (IR2112 ==> 200-420 ma), Is that will affect the MOSFET?.

    Im using pic16f877a controlling 19v DC MOTOR through Full MOSFET H-Bridge drived by IR2112,,

    What Kind of MOSFET should i use?
    Also.. which pin should be connected to PWM pin of PIC (To control speed of the motor) ?

    Thanks in advance,,

    1. I 've implemented the Half-Bridge Circuit using IR2112, but i found the motor not working well, it changes its state rapidly(ON-OFF-ON-OFF-ON-OFF....), it seems that its OFF state is too long.

      I have used 22uF capacitor, bit then i read in the article that for low freq. a 47u-68u should be used, I connect two other capacitors (22u), but still no changes.

      The really boring thing in this circuit is that i used three different power supplies (1 for VDD,1 for VCC, and other for motor voltage).

      Another Note is that i didnt connect COM pin with the same ground(with VSS), but i connect it to motor ground.

      Thanks in advance,,

  63. Dear Tahmid,

    i have a problem in IR2110 , the lo ( low side ) output is small however the HO is 12V (squre wave) output

    and i replace the IR2110 by another one and it work good

    but after afew test the lo is seem to be 12V (constant DC voltage)

    i replace the IR2110 driver three times

    can you help me , what is the problem ??

    1. To better understand the situation, please describe:
      1) Where the signal inputs to the IR2110 come from.
      2) The nature of the signals.
      3) The MOSFETs being driven and the topology they are driven in.
      4) The voltage supply to the MOSFETs.
      5) The driver circuit used. If you used a circuit exactly as shown in this article, please mention which one.
      6) Whether any components gets hot or not.


  64. dear Tahmid,
    jajha kumullah khair for helps. i want design a 50 Hz sq wave h-briedge inverter by pic16F72. i have selected the driver ckt of Fig 8. but one Qstn for u that,
    can i use SD pin of IR2110 for protection or it is not essential. can you help by providing any ckt which gives the operation of protecting H-briedge without using microcontroller.



    1. You can use the SD pin for shutting down the drive to the MOSFET. However, you can also look to implement shutdown by stopping signal outputs from the microcontroller by using an interrupt upon fault detection or something similar to that. It's all really up to you to decide which method to implement.


  65. Hello Tahmid,

    I am atempting to build the Half bridge motor drive circuit.
    My MOS is about 18V, but my OUTPUT is only about 1V or 2V at times... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG????
    my HO is about 8V, my LO is about 13V at the same time, , is that right????
    someone told me that I may need an inverter to make sure my HN and LN is not the same at time are they correct???

    Tahmid PLEASE HELP!!

    Sheano - Bahamas

  66. Hey Tahmid

    I have rigged up the same circuit as shown in the beginning of the page. The LO Drive output works like a charm, but I am unable to get any kind of output from the HO Drive output. I have checked the circuit many times, and is correct as per the circuit diagram given by you. BTW, I am using a switching frequency of 10kHz and a tantalum capacitor of 10uF. There is definitely something that I am missing. Please help me troubleshoot...

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi,

      To observe the output at HO, remove the connections from the IR2110 to the MOSFETs. Connect VS to ground and then observe the output at HO. If it is okay, then remove the connection from VS to ground and then connect the MOSFET in place.

      The signal on HO is present with respect to VS, which is a "virtual ground" and not connected to the circuit ground, which is why your meter/oscilloscope does not properly detect the signal output on HO.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi

      Thanks for the quick reply. I am using the IR2110 only as a High Side Driver. As soon as I connect the High Side output (HO) from the IR2110 to the MOSFET-IRFZ44N (between Gate and Source i.e HO(Pin 7) goes to the gate of the MOSFET and Vs(Pin 5) goes to the source of the MOSFET), the output of the IR2110 attenuates to a great extent and the MOSFET doesn't turn on. I made sure that the Low Drive Input (LIN) is connected to the ground. Any reason why this is happening?

      Thanks and Regards

  67. hi tahmid ,, is it necessary to use diodes d2 and d3 ? ,,without using these diodes,, will circuit work??

    1. D2 and D3 are used to quickly (almost instantaneously) discharge the MOSFET gates, by bypassing the gate resistances when the gate is being pulled to ground.

      The circuit will work without these diodes.


  68. Hi Tahmid,
    Superb tutorial! very useful.Unfortunately i think you made a mistake, on paragraph 7 after Fig.4:
    "The output on LO is with respect to ground. When high, the level on LO is equal to the level of VCC, with respect to VSS, effectively ground."
    I think you mean "effectively VCC".
    anyway i have some questions:
    Should the ground of the MOSFET be connected to VSS and COM as well?
    My Gate-to-Source Voltage is +-20V so what is best 10,12,15V for VCC? or any?
    I'm running at 24khz so what do you think C1 should be 22uF?
    What do you think the maximum duty cycle is, for the bootstrap to stil work? 80-90%?
    Would 100% work for short periouds?(to rise the current in the inductor faster)
    Should i use current limiting resistors betwen uC and IR2110?
    Thank you,
    Regards The M.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad that you've found the tutorial useful.

      What I meant in that sentence was that when high, the level on LO is equal to the level of VCC with respect to VSS, which (referring to VSS and not LO) is effectively ground. Perhaps the sentence structure gave rise to that confusion. But you've understood correctly.

      The source of the low side MOSFET should be connected to VSS and COM.

      20V VGS is the maximum rating of the MOSFET. Use 12V or 15V for VCC. Typically, anything between 10V and 18V will work properly. 12V and 15V are good since they aren't too high to be close to the maximum/upper limit but are high enough to fully drive the MOSFET.

      C1 = 22uF is okay.

      I cannot say that with certainty. It will depend on the MOSFET as well as the bootstrap capacitor. I think that about 70% could be achievable. You might be able to get higher, but you should still test it, since I mostly stick to around or less than 50% (since that's what my design specifications dictate).

      The bootstrap drive can't be used for 100% duty cycle due to inability to charge the bootstrap capacitor. For 100% duty cycle, use an isolated power supply with isolated MOSFET gate drive.

      No, current limiting resistors betweeen microcontroller and IR2110 are not required.


  69. Well, you are great in doing the projects experiments and explanation.
    I need to know whether all n-channel mosfet handle any kind of high side projects, I am doing another projects which would drive the motor of the starter using IRFZ44N in parallel. The starter motor is the bike auto start type, which may draws as much as 100 amperes of current
    So is it possible to construct this kind of high side connection for this starter motor.
    Waiting for reply.

    1. Yes it's possible. Make sure that the combined MOSFETs can handle the current. Use sufficient cooling. And use good driving. Use 10V or 15V drive to ensure that the MOSFETs are fully driven on. Use some sort of a current limiter to prevent overcurrent and short-circuit.


  70. Hi Tahmid,

    First of all, I have to admit, that Your articles are really usefull and clear.
    However, I am working on the BLDC motor controller. I want to use the STM32F4Discovery board as the main unit.I have almost finished the electronic scheme but I have some questions. My inverter is based on IR2110 drivers so I must choose a right logic level translator - STM32(3.3V)>IR2110(5V).Can you suggest one? STM32 board generates PWM signals with a frequency of 15kHz.I have found some ICs(ST2378ETTR,ADG3300BRUZ).Is it appripriate for 15kHz signals?
    I want to use my controller witk 500 Wats BLDC motor.I have attached my scheme here(inverter and gate drivers). I will be very grateful if you check my scheme and give some advices.

    Thank you a lot.


  71. Hi tahmid,
    quite intresting and helpful post. your replies on other forums are also very helpful..i have some problem in my circuit, would lyk to have your suggestion on the problem i,ve described here..

  72. Hello Tahmid ,
    I have problem with this IR2110 that when we coonected this ic with optocoupler (6n137,cny17,and mct2)then the output at the mosfet are just in milivolts but by using the at the hin and lin pin with function genrator my output of the mosfet is around 8.2volt,and one other basic problem in this ic are quitly short-circuited or damage ,i don't no why this problem are ocurred ,up till now I shortcircuted 9 to 10 ic but my result are zero. so please help as soon as posible.

    1. Make sure you have 1k gate-to-source resistors in place.

      Besides that, the description isn't quite clear. Could you upload some schematics to clarify?

  73. hi thamid....really appreciate the knowledge that you have shared....
    just wanted to know what are the criteria to calculate the current limiting resistor for the gate in the full bridge circuit....R1 and R2.

    secondly i am not very well versed in electronics....could you please explain what you mean in your reply to anonymous dated 26th april, that 100% duty cycle cannot be used with the boot strap and that u stick to around 50%.....to state my problem... i wanted to use your above schematic for driving a 24V volt motor using all n channel bridge using irf540....incase i do use irf2110...do u mean to say that i wont be able to effectively drive my motor at 24volts and in actuality it would be getting 12V(50% duty cyle) and at max 16-17V(70%)...

    incase i want to go for 100% duty cycle what is the alternative tlp250???


    1. I choose a value of the current limiting resistor depending on the MOSFET used and the frequency. Usually, 10R is okay for up to about 50kHz. Above that you might use 6.8R resistor. There's an application note that talks about current limiting resistors. I'll attach the link soon.

      At high duty cycles, the bootstrap capacitor can't (quickly enough) fully charge and can't drive the high side MOSFET fully. You might be able to go to up to 70% duty cycle or a little more using a large enough bootstrap capacitor. However, for higher, you should look at other drive methods. I suggest you use a separate isolated power supply along with an isolated driver such as TLP250, TLP350, HCPL3120, etc.


  74. hi,
    the tutorials are really helpful, but i am not understanding that, how the high side mosfet is getting drive. Since it is connected to 24v(+V), it will need atleast 32 v to on, from where we are getting the extra voltage.If from bootstrap, but bootstrap is just charging to (Vcc-0.7) which is equal to 10.4, so how will i get 32v. Please reply ASAP, thanks !!!

    1. The voltage to which the bootstrap capacitor charges is the voltage above source level used to drive the MOSFET. So, if you have 24V (V+) and the bootstrap capacitor charges to 10.4V, the MOSFET is driven with approximately 24V+10.4V = 34.4V and that's 10.4V VGS - enough to fully drive the MOSFET.

      Hope this helps.


  75. salam..
    hi sir, can I ask about the program Proteus 7.7, does Proteus 7.7 can be applied to simulate the electrical circuit that contains motion sensors and LED lights 2 pieces and get results for kilowatt in 1 day?
    I hope you can give an answer to my question and I they ask you to email please email me safura_8989@yahoo.com can?

    thanks sir..

    1. I can't clearly understand what you mean. Could you elaborate? Plus, as far as I know, Proteus doesn't contain motion sensors that you can simulate.

  76. Hi Tahnid,

    Your blog is very impressive and helpful for innovation.

    I am trying to make inverter for home appliances.
    My circuit is as similar as you have shown in fig-8.
    Primary section of my step up transformer is connected to out pins as shown in fig-8.
    I am successfully getting 240 V AC at the primary by varying duty cycles.
    My transformer rating is 12V AC to 300V AC.
    But now if we think about the reverse direction means if I give I/P of 230V AC to secondary of transformer I am getting about 24V DC across drain of higher side MOSFETs and source of lower side MOSFETs while all the MOSFETs are in off state. I am using IRFZ48N MOSFETs.
    Now I want to charge my 12V DC battery which is connected across drain of higher side MOSFETs and source of lower side MOSFETs. Means battery is connected across 24V DC.
    While I connect battery to charge that O/P goes down to about 10.5V and battery is not getting enough current for charging.

    Let me know the proper direction to get required voltage and current to charge the battery.

    1. You need to use PWM for the two low side MOSFETs and consider the two high side MOSFETs to be diodes (utilizing the body diodes) to create a boost converter utilizing the bridge and the transformer. This will be used to increase the voltage to a level that can be used to efficiently charge the battery. The feedback of the converter is to be controlled, preferably by a microcontroller.


  77. Hi thahmid

    For dspic30f2010 , which simulator can i use,so before making hardware setup i have to check whether this program is working or not? proteus is not supporting dspic30F series.
    Any other simulator is there?

    1. I don't use the dsPIC30 series and don't know of any simulators that can simulated dsPIC30. When I use dsPIC, I used dsPIC33. The dsPIC33 microcontrollers are cheap, powerful and are supported by Proteus.

      You can use LEDs, LCDs and other hardware tricks to kind of form a simulation when testing. However, that will be troublesome for larger projects. I recommend you use the dsPIC33 microcontrollers if possible.


  78. Well, you are great in doing the projects experiments and explanation.
    I need to know whether all n-channel mosfet handle any kind of high side projects, I am doing another projects which would drive the motor of the starter using IRFZ44N in parallel. The starter motor is the bike auto start type, which may draws as much as 100 amperes of current
    So is it possible to construct this kind of high side connection for this starter motor.
    Waiting for reply.

    1. Yes it's possible. Make sure that the combined MOSFETs can handle the current. Use sufficient cooling. And use good driving. Use 10V or 15V drive to ensure that the MOSFETs are fully driven on. Use some sort of a current limiter to prevent overcurrent and short-circuit.


    2. I am curious though as to why you want high-side drive. Why not low-side drive? Are you building a bridge circuit?

      You may also want to use soft-start for the motor to reduce starting current.


    3. First of all, thanks for your great help and advice. Since the starter is manufacture connected to the ground, and p-mostet will not be able to handle such a large current to drive the motor to drive, that is why I am trying to make this n-channel mosfet to be connected to the motor to drive properly. But can I know the near current of gate for each mosfet. So that I will start to use the current limiting circuits for it. Well I have not described that I am using for my bike starter motor in which the relay refuse to return to the original position (off/no connection) after releasing the push button switch, thus draining all the current to the motor resulting to wastage of fuel on the run and damaged the battery.

  79. Hi Tahmid.
    I need to use the IR2110 as a single high-voltage high-side driver (Fig 9), but i didn't understand how to connect LO to ground.
    Can i make a short circuit or i need to use a resistor?
    If i need a resistor, what value can be good?

    Congratulations it's a very instructive page.


    1. It's not necessary to use a resistor. You can just short it to ground.


    2. well, then i use your schematic but with a short circuit from LO pin to ground.

      Thank you very much.

    3. Great! Do let me know the results.


  80. Hello Tahmid sir,
    I am working on inverter project and I am having following doubt:
    I read application note and datasheet of IR2110 and I concluded that VSS should be connected to ground of PWM signal and COM should be connected to source of low side MOSFET.But you recommended to connect both VSS and COM to ground. The reason which you explained for this connection is not clear to me. Can you please elaborate it further?

    1. You're right - VSS should be connected to ground of PWM signal and COM should be connected to source of low-side MOSFETs. Both should then be shorted since the IR2110 is a non-isolated driver. This means that the PWM signal should share the same ground as the low-side MOSFET source ground.

      I hope that clears your doubt.


    2. yeah..itz clear to me..I will implement it on hardware..

      Thank You very much

    3. hello sir,
      Sir I tried connecting VSS,COM, ground of signal and source of low side MOSFET together. But its not working. Sir I referred to circuit which you have uploaded, in that you have not connected source of low side MOSFET to COM and Vss.So what should I exactly do?? Also sir I am confused regarding floating points. Can you recommend me good study material regarding this stuff??

  81. Hello Tahmid, I thank you for your work and am so happy about it. Please can I drive the ir2110's with this circuit herein this link homemadecircuitsandschematics.blogspot.com/2012/12/make-this-ic-556-pure-sine-wave.html?m=1 exempting the transistors

    1. I'm not sure about that circuit, but I wouldn't recommend building a pure sine wave inverter with 555/556. You can make one with microcontrollers. There are loads of tutorials relatedt to this on this blog.


  82. Hi Tahmid,

    Thanks , your blog looks really helpful . I need to drive 180v PMDC motor using IRGP4PH50US as low side driver and same IGBT as flyback .
    PWM using PIC .Can you help me

    1. Can you describe the circuit in more detail? What do you mean by using the same IGBT as flyback?

  83. value of voltage from each AND gate?

    1. The amplitude will be approximately that of VDD.


  84. what type of transformer is used?

    1. Depends on the specific circuit. Which do you have in mind?


  85. Hi Tahmid, reading your blogs, I am quite impressed with the way you present and explain things. I would need some help regarding IR2113 and PWM. I'm working on a grid tie inverter project where I need to supply PWM signals to HIN/LIN inputs of the 2113s driving H-bridge mosfets. I had a look at your SG3525 blog. Would you recommend using SG3525 to generate PWM signals from 50Hz grid signal. If so, how would you go about it. The grid has lots of distortion, noise and other rubbish that somehow needs to be filtered out before a PWM could be generated (I think).
    So far, I got the IR2113s and H bridge running from the grid's 50Hz using a dead-band circuit. This only generates square waves at 50 Hz in sync and uploading efficiency is questionable. I prefer a more or less good looking PWMd sine wave in sync with the grid for uploading. Any suggestions or ideas are very much appreciated, rods, Selim

  86. two outputs of four mosfets is about 4V.When the transformer is connected and 5 watts bulb can not be lit, what should i do? Please help me!!!

    1. What is the supply voltage? Where do the drive signals come from?

  87. pin 17, 19,20,21 and 22 don't have 5v. what to do?

  88. hi thamid...

    i have made the circuit as per your schematic for the full bridge....VBAT for my circuit is between 24 to 36v...i am using a 7812 TO220 package to generate the 12V VCC. however the ic overheating and giving only 2 volts.....is it because the bootstrap capcitor requires a lot of current...should i go for the TO-3 package or even that would be insufficient....what would be a high current alternative for generating 12v VCC...


    1. Do not use a linear regulator such as 7812 for such a large input-output difference. Plus you're pushing the limits of 7812 at this input voltage. That's why the regulator overheats. Use a switching regulator, such as L4971.


  89. I was wondering, how to determine which diodes to use? Ones that withstand 1000V and 1A seem a bit overkill.

    1. The diodes should at least have a reverse voltage rating so that they can withstand the maximum voltage supplied to the circuit. Use a margin for safety. A few hundred milliamps of current should be enough. 1000V, 1A diodes are overkill, but I choose to use them anyways since they're so common, easily available and cheap.


  90. I have a commercial amplifier to repair. http://www.qscaudio.com/support/library/schems/Current/CX%20Series/CX404.pdf
    Q96 and Q97 are blown. I have ordered replacements and also a new IR2110. Are there any other checks that I should make?

  91. Hi Tahmid
    'm Concerned because IR2110 need 2A, besides the load driving current (DC motor 6A). If I use a "bridge H" then need two IR2110, therefore need battery 2A +2 A +6 A = 10A.
    Do you?

    1. IR2110 doesn't usually need 2A. It can drive up to 2A current. If you use 2A drive, only then you need to supply 2A. For small bridges, it's usually much much less. With 6A DC motor load and 2 IR2110's, my estimate would be that you'd need maximum 6A for the motor + 0.5A for the drive and rest.


  92. Hi Tahmid
    First of all, thank you very much for helpful blog.
    I want to test the circuit of ir2110 before connected the MOSFET (H-bridge).I've followed the circuit in this post,but doesn't connect the MOSFET. I got the signal from LO, but the HO was 10-12 constant. May I ask you for my understand. If I didn't connect the MOSFET, the Vs(pin5) of ir2110 have to connected to ground,that right? I can connect Vs to ground directly or have to connect the resistance before ground.

    Thank you very much,

    1. For testing purposes only - to check HO, (without the MOSFET connected) connect Vs directly to ground and observed HO with respect to ground. If you see that you've got the desired output, remove the short from Vs to ground and then proceed with the design.


  93. Thankyou for sharing your experience/knowledge. I am building a full wave bridge controlled rectifier with power factor correction. The two drivers I used are IR2110 and the four mosfets are IR640. I used the figure 8 diagram for full bridge. This figure shows the leg of the H bridge as the output branch. I use this leg as input, so the two Vs pins are tied to the floating input. I have followed your recomendations closely but the circuit does not working. I am guessing that the IR2110 cannot be used for rectifier applications or I am missing something or doing something wrong. Can you give me a clue where is the problema.

    Thank you again.
