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Pi Pico (RP2040)
Power Electronics
SMPS and Power Electronics
- Using the SG3525 PWM Controller - Explanation and Example: Circuit Diagram / Schematic of Push-Pull Converter
- Using the high-low side driver IR2110 - explanation and plenty of example circuits
- Ferrite Transformer Turns Calculation for High-Frequency/SMPS Inverter
- Ferrite Transformer Turns Calculation for Offline SMPS Half-Bridge Converter
- Output Inductor Calculation for SMPS Converters using the Forward, Push-Pull, Half-Bridge and Full-Bridge Topologies
- N-Channel MOSFET High-Side Drive: When, Why and How?
- Low-Side MOSFET Drive Circuits and Techniques - 7 Practical Circuits
- Debugging the Bridge: Tips to Successfully Design (Full / Half) Bridge Circuits
- Using the TLP250 Isolated MOSFET Driver - Explanation and Example Circuits
- Controlling an AC load with a MOSFET
- Learning SMPS the hard way
- Some of my SMPS circuits
- Single microcontroller based 12v to 230v inverter with intelligent battery charging
- PCB for ATMEGA Inverter
- Research on transformerless AC-AC (sine wave) conversion- Part 1: AC-AC Buck
- Failure is the pillar of success
- MAGIC of knowledge
- SMPS TopoMagic
AC Power Control with Thyristor
- AC Power Control with Thyristor: Phase Angle Control using triac with PIC16F877A
- AC Power Control with Thyristor: Pulse Skipping using triac with PIC16F877A
- AC Power Control: Adjustable Phase Angle Control with triac using ATmega8
- Zero crossing detection with PIC16F877A
SPWM and sine wave generation and inverter
- Generation and Implementation of Sine Wave Table
- Software "Sine Wave" - Outdated. Check the more recent "Smart Sine"
- Smart Sine - Software to generate sine table
- Generation of sine wave using SPWM in PIC16F684
- 600W 50Hz sine wave inverter test circuit
- Feedback in sine wave inverter (PIC16F series based)
- Demystifying The Use of Table Pointer in SPWM - Application in Sine Wave Inverter
- Sine Wave Generation without ECCP - Using single CCP Module of PIC16F877A
- Sine Wave Generation with "Fast PWM Mode" of AVR - using ATmega16
- Sine Wave Generation and Implementation using dsPIC33FJ
- Audio player using the PIC32, MCP4822, microSD card and the MDDFS library
- Interfacing a color TFT display with the PIC32MX250F128B
- PIC32 DMA+SPI+DAC : Analog output synthesis with zero CPU overhead
- PIC32 SPI: Using the MCP4822 12-bit serial DAC
- PIC32MX250F128B ipl7: odd shadow register set behavior and observations
- PIC32 Proto Board: Details, Schematic, PCB and Pictures
- Hacking the PIC32 Comparator Reference to obtain a DAC
- Simple PIC32 DMA example
- A further study into the use of the PIC32MX250F128B, with side projects using the AT91SAM3X83 (Arduino Due) and the Intel Galileo
- PIC32 Development: Proto board on verroboard
- A Comparative Study between two 32-bit microcontrollers - the Atmel AT91SAM3X8E and the Microchip PIC32MX250F128B
- Introduction to the PIC32 - The Basics, Getting Started, IO ports and the First Program
PIC and AVR other
- Simple AC voltmeter (PIC 16F676/16F684)
- Modalities of Using the ADC module of PIC16F877A
- Modalities of Using the PIC (16F877A) CCP Module - Compare Section
- DC motor control with PIC16F877A - Practical example of PIC PWM
- Example of how to generate PWM in mikroC using the CCP module
- Basic Theory on AVR Timer0
Solar Charge Controllers
Temperature Sensors
- Temperature Sensor (MCP9700 + PIC16F877A)
- Temperature Sensor (DS18S20 + PIC16F877A)
- Temperature Sensor (LM35 + PIC16F877A)
- Digital thermometer with LM35 and PIC18F452
- Digital thermometer with LM35 and PIC16F88
- Temperature sensor with PIC18 and MCP9700
- Interfacing a DS18S20 with an AVR
Miscellaneous Electronics
- A digital communication project using OFDM and 32-QAM
- 200000 views, Ithaca, ARM and DMIPS
- Circuits made from necessity